Friday 2 August 2024

榴梿飘香 Durian and its fragrance


喜欢它者,会为之疯狂;一闻到榴莲飘香,若钱不够用,会不惜脱裤去当铺赊钱,买几粒榴梿来尝尝, 一享口福。反之,会觉得它味道太过呛鼻难闻,好比粪便!

小时候就听说 - 榴梿是当年郑和南下西洋,在马六甲逗留时,于丛林里大解时的粪便演变出来的!当然,这传言纯属无稽之谈!但可从中理解到为何榴梿的味道,不是每个人都能承受的了的。




Durians, touted as king of fruits. You either love it or hate it!

There are regular local farm durians that are cheaper; but there are also "branded" durians that are supposedly more palatable and expensive!

One can buy local durians at $5 per piece; whereas the branded durians may cost one $50 per piece!

Local durians can be as palatable as the "branded" ones! I guess it all depends on one's budget and taste.

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