Tuesday 26 December 2023

少年不识愁滋味 Carefree years in my youth




年轻就是那么逍遥,不愁生活 (因为有父母的抚养资助)。




Old photos inevitably will churn up past memories.

As far as I can remember, I was not particularly troubled in my younger days. I had always been a nerdy, studious young boy, with no bad habits (apart from "addiction" to watching movies). And my academic works had always been good. (my parents were never worried about my school work).

In those younger days, I never thought of myself growing into adulthood, getting married, working hard for the family etc. I just focused on my studies.

Those were carefree days, thanks to the unreserved support and love from my parents. The thought of growing old never occurred to me in those younger days.

Somehow, I have forgotten how I looked like in those days...

Monday 11 December 2023

生老病死 Life cycle...





生老病死,看来没人躲得了。虽说这是常规,但也有人会跳过”老“ 与”病“这过程,直接步上黄泉路 (比如因车祸毙命者)。


Being born, growing old, falling sick and then passing on... this is an inevitable circle of life.

My bedridden mother was admitted to hospital for pneumonia recently - this is her very first episode of chest infection. Fortunately, this episode responded well to antibiotic treatment. 

However, I cautioned my siblings that this may signal the beginning of many hospital visit for chest infection in the future!

I broached the topic of " DO NOT INTUBATE and/or RESUSCITATE" to my siblings. I felt that this is probably the best option for my bedridden mother. Being a medical practitioner, I felt that we had to be practical when dealing with diseases of old age and/or quality of life of elderly individuals.

And it is not being cruel!

Fortunately, my siblings were in the same page with me.

Sunday 10 December 2023

夜奔 rushing at night

恰巧当时我的两位同事都休假,需要人顶替周六早上以及周一的差事,所以只能在傍晚才能启程。最终只能选购晚上7。50 的班机。从机舱窗口向外张望,外面一片黑漆漆的,除了偶尔点缀在地平面的灯光之外。


下午五点到机场报到,原本预定的7。10pm班机,既然延迟到凌晨1。55am。。。呜呼唉哉!虽然补贴了马币20 块,但那也只够买一杯Starbucks 饮料,或一个麦当劳汉堡。。。。算了,还是去机场内的贵宾室享用饮食吧。

My mother fell sick a few days ago... She became breathless, and oxygen saturation hovering around 85% in room air. She was brought to local district hospital for treatment... Admitted for treatment of aspiration pneumonia.
She was weaned off intranasal oxygen 2 days later, and discharged home on the 4tg day... But her condition deteriorated the same night, and has to be admitted again. 
I booked a return flight from Singapore to Penang over the weekend. Both were night flights. 
Fortunately my mom's condition improved, and again managed to wean off oxygen after 2 days. 
But alas, my return flight from Penang was delayed... From 7 10pm to 0155 hour.... More than 6 hours!


Sunday 3 December 2023

Work in progress 还在受训中。。。

We adopted a dog three weeks ago. His name is Mantis.

He was rather timid and quiet in the first week. Then, in his 3rd week or so, he started to bark for food.

Following which, he started to learn to pee outdoor on the grass patches (outside our condominium).

Apart from this, he still not responding when we called him by his new name, Mantis.

He seems to be rather "zen-like" in his demeanor (as I had described him in my earlier blogpost). Gazing at us when we walked pass him. No wagging of tail or jumping in excitement when he saw us in the morning, or when we returned home from outside.

Still work in progress...




