Monday 11 May 2020

Circuit Breaker measures in Singapore

Many countries are adopting some kind of lock-down to limit the spread of COVID-19 infection over the past 2 months.
It is easy to understand what "lock-down" or "movement control order" mean. In Singapore, we call it "circuit breaker". I had a hard time trying to find out the Chinese equivalent - literally it means 阻断器- then I noted that it was translated as 阻断措施in Chinese newspaper.
Of course, when the CB is uttered, people who understand Hokkien may give you a sheepish look. Worse still, when complete circuit breaker (CCB) was imposed a few weeks later.

Barrier being put up to prevent people from loitering in the exercise trail
walling off the exercise area

Kids' playground - out of bound
Table/chairs "sealed" off. People standing 1 m apart (social distancing)

Monday 4 May 2020



Trees with their lush of green leaves, are common sights in the tropic. 
They exude a sense of calm and serenity, particularly when view in the morning, enhanced by the surrounding fresh air. 

But, don't be surprised if you come across of trees that give you a "autumn" feel, in Singapore...


Trees during winter, deprived of leaves, generate a sense of melancholy. The cold air adds to it a distinctive quietness and looliness. 


The multiple mixed of red, orange, brown, yellow and green that adorn the tress during autumn creates another mood ... the last burst of vibrancy before retiring. 

All of us may harbour various kind of emotion. Some are exuberant in nature, some are downright depressing. We must learn how to deal with it... Nothing is permanent, both positive and negative feelings. Learn to take all those emotions in our stride. 

Saturday 2 May 2020

spring up like mushroom after the rain 雨后春“笋”

It had been raining from last night till noon. Went for a 1-hour walking exercise in early afternoon under the shady sky. I wouldn't call it "brisk" walking, because my pace was only slightly faster than leizure stroll!

Pleasantly surprised by the mushroom scattered among the grassland along the exercise trail. The Chinese idiom 雨后春笋comes to my mind - but that refers to the sprouting of bamboo shoot, and not flourishing mushroom (but both carries the same meaning}.

It was a refreshing sight - reminds me of new beginnings, fresh ideas and opportunities in the midst of COVID-19 pandemic.