Sunday 26 November 2023









Monday 20 November 2023

There is no running away from...不认老也不行!

前天在职总平价超级市场购物,付钱时,收银职员贴心的提问, 有没有“老人卡” (持有类似卡有回扣)。顿时醒悟,我的颜容已呈现老态!



Aging... there is no running away.

While paying for my purchase at NTUC cashier counter the other day, the cashier asked me if I have senior citizen card (e.g Merdeka card). It daunted on me that I have aged, and it manifested externally!

There are various ways that I am constantly being reminded of my age -

- lack of stamina

- body aches

- seeing your contempories age at the same time

- seeing your children grow, graduated from university and started working

- being called uncle or worse still 大爷 by some of my paediatric patients

Sunday 19 November 2023

Dilemma... to keep or not? 抉择

Our newly adopted dog has been with us for the past one week.

Quite a handsome dog!

He is slowly adjusting to the new home. He is now more willing to walk out from our apartment into the lift, and stroll along the exercise path outside our apartment.

However, he is still not able to pee outside. Instead, he prefers to pee on the hard tile floor of our balcony!

He went for veterinary check-up yesterday, and was noted to have poor dental hygiene.There was some concern of possible arthritis in one of his hind leg.

Now, the reality sets in .... to keep him or not as a permanent member of our household?

CJ felt that it will be okay if he is able to pee outdoor... Hence, while observing his progress over the coming weeks (hopefully sooner rather than later), we will work on improving his oral hygiene.



昨天给兽医体检后,发现它的口腔卫生不达标,有可能需要全麻来清除牙龈及牙垢; 还有它的后腿可能有关节炎的风险!



Friday 17 November 2023

Zen-like composure 心如止水

Our newly adopted dog is still adjusting to his new home.

We created resting place for him in our balcony. He was resting there comfortably, then a pair of birds flew in and perched themself on the glass wall of our balcony. 

He just looked at them, in a zen-like composure, without making any sound.

It was truly unlike the other dog that my daughter has - he would bark at a glimpse of any bird!


Monday 13 November 2023

new member in the family

CJ finally adopted a dog yesterday. He is 4 years of age. Apparently a breeder dog.

And my name is Mantis

Staying in enclosed pan @balcony at night

Rather timid. Refused to walk, had to be carried. Never made any sound to date (2nd day at our place).

But we managed to get him to walk around our condominium this afternoon... a success one might say.

家里来了一个新成员 - 一只毛绒绒的牧羊犬。靖捷从网络频道,得知某间宠物店有一批被人遗弃的狗待人领养,狗龄多数都是六岁以上。在哪里看上一只牧羊犬,雄性,四岁左右。体格有些瘦小,但看起来还蛮讨人喜欢。于是便当场办理领养手续。付了八百多块(新币)的领养费(包含节育手术费), 当天把它领回家去。



它的名字是“螳螂” MANTIS!

Monday 6 November 2023

古树 old tree




It is not easy to chance up old trees in Singapore, a garden city.

Most ancient buildings, let alone trees, have been demolished in the name of development.

Only in nature parks can old trees been seen. 

I caught a glimpse of entangled old trees branching off from a common ground a few days ago. Somehow, the view carries with it a sense of mystique and intrigue. One may even said spooky at times! This can certainly be a backdrop for horror movies!

Sunday 5 November 2023

杯弓蛇影,虚虚实实,镜花水月。。。figment of imagination




Within an hour of walking exercises a few days ago, I chanced upon some sceneries. They churned up images of snake, volcano and a world that goes up-side down... My imagination has indeed gone wild!