Sunday 11 September 2022

Textures... in photography

To be able to demonstrate textures in 2 dimensional photographs, and exhort the inner urge touch the objects captured in the photos... is rather fascinating.

The rugged bark of tree...demonstrating toughness and tenacity!

The soft velvety feel of the "heart-warming" robe...

Multi-coloured, entangled tree bark

Saturday 10 September 2022

Mid-autumn Festival @ Mooncake Festival 2022

I had taken snap shots of light decor in celebration of Mid-autumn Festival over the past few years. 

Went out for brief walking tour, to capture some photos of the light decor this year.

Somehow, the protagonist of Mid-autum Festival, Chang-er (嫦娥), the moon fairy is missing this year. Instead, her faithful company, Jade Rabbit 玉兔,takes centre-stage this time round.

The light decors were rather bland and subdued in colour. 

Fortunately, the colourful home-made lanterns by young children on display at the foyer of ChinaTown Point more or less compensate for the inadequacy.

Hiding among the light decors showing the various types of mooncakes from different dialect groups was a rare glimpse of "family photo" depicting Moon fairy 嫦娥, together with Jade Rabbit 玉兔, and 吴刚。

Time must be rough this year, they have to advertise for Maxi-Cash!

Glimpses of ChinaTown at night...

Even the billboard advertisment looks more interesting and eye catching than the light decors!

Thursday 8 September 2022






缓步于公园小道, 或来个健身操。。。运动运动肢体,不亦乐乎!

