Tuesday 26 April 2016



新加坡汽车价钱昂贵,举世闻名。当时刚在职场上工作2-3年,月薪不高,只能分期付款购买一辆二手1000毫升的小型汽车Toyota Starlet. 从那时起,便成为拥车一族, 极少乘搭公共交通工具。


高中时期,宿舍远在裕廊已被“下架”的南洋大学。单单从南大到华初的旅程就要花费一个小时的时间。结果凌晨天还没亮,一群同病相怜的学生,便得拖着疲惫睡意惺惺的步伐,乘搭第一趟从南大巴士站出发的巴士车(sbs 174)。幸好上车的都是我们一群莘莘学子,没有其他闲人,因此都有位坐,美其名闭眼养神,其实是会周公去了。一路上有多少人断断续续上下车,都无关痛痒。到学校时,通常都会有同学互相照会,以免过站。









Sunday 10 April 2016

Ah Boy to Man... the beginning

Today (7 April 2016) is the day that CK is enlisting into National Service.
We (my wife and I, togethe with CK) took a shuttle bus from Pasir Ris Bus Interchange at 9am, reached Changi Point ferry terminal to take a ferry to Pulau Tekung.
Walked through the introductory station --> took a tour on bus round selected spots of the camp --> witnessed the oath ceremony --> took lunch at the canteen --> waved bye-bye to CK and departed from the camp. The whole event took about 4 hours in total (from 9am-2pm).

CK called us at 9.30pm. He brought us the good news that he is scheduled for interview for NUS Medicine tomorrow (with 3 other fellow recruits in the same camp). He was obviously delighted, and so were all of us in the family! Wishing him all the best tomorrow! (It turned out that there was no interview, but members of the selection committee for NUS Medicine had come to brief the shortlisted candidates the paper work needed (personal portfolio/ referreee letters etc) prior to their skill stations test in about 1 week's time).

Time flies, truly.
It was only "yesterday" that he was a boy who always cried "leg pain" when he did not want to walk further (when touring Statue of Liberty in NY, walking in the city etc).
He was the one who put a pebble into the tiny opening in the passenger door lock of our Toyota Corolla when we were on a road trip in Tennessee; as a result, we were unable to close the passenger door, and had to tie a  string to secure the door while driving. Finally, we managed to find a kind soul in a nearby village; he used a screw driver to dislodge the pebble.
It was him who alerted us that his younger brother (who was around 2 years of age) had swallowed a lithium battery; he was 3 years of age then.
He usually did not finish his milk; leaving it for his younger brother...

He always asked for "discount" when doing Maths homework in primary school.
He cried his heart out when getting back his O Level results (because he faired unexpectedly bad in his Higher Chinese), landing him in Anderson JC unexpectedly.

He suffered throughout his 2 years in AJC, because he was "looked down" by Chinese scholars.

But now, he has finally "arrived"- scoring straight As in his A Level exam, got shortlisted for admission assessment in one week's time.