Sunday 30 June 2024

梦乡 Sweet Dream




To be free of all worries, and enjoy a pleasant uninterrupted sleep is a blessing indeed!

Most of us are troubled by mundane tasks and thoughts daily. There are so many things to be done within the confine of 24 hours...

Look at our pet dog, Mantis! Such a blissful sleep! 

Sunday 23 June 2024

灯饰 ILight2024







ILight 2024 commenced over one week ago. It runs for about 3 weeks till end of June. 
Went for a stroll around Marina Bay to observe the light decors, and snap some photos last week.

Took a train ride from Dakota MRT station to Promenade MRT station. Avoided driving a car there because parking was expected to be difficult at Marina Bay Sand.
Spend nearly 2 hours there....

Sunday 16 June 2024

格格不入 incongruity




Life is full of challenges.

Human beings are very "colourful". Everyone is different in his/her own way. 

When there is stark incongruity in characters / thoughts, conflicts will inevitably erupt. Handling challenges arise from these conflicts is an art to be mastered!

Thursday 13 June 2024

擎天柱 Heavenly pillar of strength




A number of cranes sprout out in the condominium construction site nearby. They resemble that of mighty heavenly pillars that support the sky!

Will the world crumble without their support?

Wednesday 12 June 2024

感触 Sentiment


I know I am not in Europe. But somehow, whenever I walk pass this building, it never fails to enthral me. The squarish build, the contrasting colours of orange and blue, surrounded by green...It is simply amazing.


Sunday 9 June 2024

春光乍泄· filtering through



Light will always find its way through various obstruction and crevices.

One's inner strength and talent will eventually be appreciated by someone. Persevere and you will succeed!

Saturday 8 June 2024

等 Forlorn


Came across a plastic red stool, left behind just outside the barrier separating a HDB construction site. Is it waiting for someone to come along? It carries a melancholy forlorn mood...


Then, there was another bicycle left idling next to a PUB (public utility board) pump station. It was partially shaded, implying that the owner was probably leaving it aside to run some errant. And true enough, it was gone when I walked pass the same place the next day.


Friday 7 June 2024

枷锁 Chained



Fancy oneself to travel without any restraints to places of interest. But alas, the vehicle was chained and hence helpless to our desire to travel! Where is the key to freedom???

Monday 3 June 2024

地气 Down to earth




Hawker centre @ Circuit Rd

Unless one is very rich, one should live within our means. We should be down to earth. 

For instance, taking breakfast in hawker centre, traveling by public transport, buying sundry items from wholesale shops / economic shops is nothing to be ashamed of.