不知不觉中,‘螳螂’ (我家宠物的名字)已经住进我家超过一年。它也越来越开朗,活跃。
Mantis, our family pet dog, has been with us for 13 months.
He has settled down fully into our family routines.
He is rather mellowed, and does not bark at all when he is being left alone at home in the morning.
He still does not like to go for a long walk in our neighbourhood. But he is now more willing to walk around the perimeter of our condominium.
He knows to head for the entrance /exit of our condominium. He starts to show interest to fellow doggies, but still does not approach them proactively. In human world, he will fall under creature with socio-communicative disorder or autism!
He has put on a lot of weight over the past one year, from a meagre weight of 8kg, to current weight of 14kg+.
And yes, he is a handsome and adorable dog!