Changi Airport, the departure point for oversea travel |
我也很喜欢到国外旅游, 一来可以增广见闻,亦可乘机休息一下身心。
往往为了要充分利用短短的旅游时间, 把行程排得满满的,从一个景点跑到另一个景点去,除了短暂的午休时间(吃午餐),多数时间都花在赶路的车上,有时也挺累的。
但是有时“无心插柳柳成荫”, 来到一个出乎意料,振奋人心的非典型旅游地点,会格外开心!
过去二十多年,我与家人以陆续在新西兰,澳洲,希腊,葡萄牙,日本,韩国,冰岛,加拿大,美国 (东西海岸,阿拉西加),台湾自驾游;在中国跟团游。 偶而也背包似拖着行李在泰国,挪威旅游。。。春夏秋冬,冰河,冰洞,北极光。。。都经历了,感触蛮多。
Holiday travel is an all time favourite for most people.
The COVID pandemic in the past 3 years of so has severely restricted holiday travel plans for many people. The pent up desire for travel finally burst through in recent months, with the waning adverse impact of COVID infection.
I love travel, particular self driving road trips. This involves a lot of planning pre-travel, and needs a fair amount of stamina when on the road (particularly if you are the solo driver in the group).
Now that my 2 boys are in their twenties and able to drive, I left the driving to them most of the time (when we travelled in our Iceland, Japan, Korea trips).
There are just so many places to visit!
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