Friday, 7 February 2025

年除夕生病啦!falling sick on Chinese New Year's eve...





Fell sick on the eve of Chinese New Year, with lingering cough that persists till now (Day 10 of Chinese New Year). The cough is rather disturbing, and disrupting my sleep routines. I tried honey, kamquat, dexamethasone, antibiotic ... nothing seems to work. I guess just have to ride it out!

Falling sick during Chinese New Year is a taboo.... taking medicine during Chinese New Year is strongly discouraged. But when one is sick, there is nothing we can do about it...

Wednesday, 29 January 2025

红灯区 Red light district?





Was exploring around the vicinity of Singapore River a few days ago, after visiting Chinatown.
The simmering red lights emitting from the surrounding area gave me an impression that I was in "Red light district".
But, red light districts are only restricted to certain locales. And Singapore River is certainly not one of them! 

蛇年 year of the snake




It's time for Lunar New Year! As usual, Chinatown is teeming with people. Not everyone is there for shopping - some are there to feel the "vibes" of New Year.

This year's snake light decor was a definite charmer and winner! No bad press from the public on the ludicrous designs or decors of the Zodiac animals as in the past few years.

Sunday, 12 January 2025

新山一日游 Day trip to Johor Bahru






因为下雨缘故,也只能去几个地方逛。原本要去的Johor Jaya 早市及年货市场,只能取消行程。

第一站:Skudai 皇后花园的早安粥点,及附近的市场。



第二站:经济超市 / 菜市场

误打误撞的去了一家超市 SKS Mart Skudai,哪里有很多小摊位;其中一家售卖的蔬菜蛮新鲜实惠。



在明轩餐馆吃了晚餐,便直奔Johor Premium Outlet 去充电与购卖运动鞋。


Decor inside the restaurant

Johor Premium Outlet 的充电站蛮方便使用。(那边有8架充电桩,看来不用排队等候)。

在经过关卡闸门与南北大道的收费站时,射频鉴别标签无法被侦察到,也只能用传统的TouchNGo 卡了。

I went for a day trip to Johor Bahru yesterday.

Took a day's leave from work specifically for the trip.

But alas, the weather was terrible - it was forecasted to have continuous heavy rain from Jan 10-13, with several areas in Singapore and Johor expected to be flooded!

Regardless of the weather, we soldiered on. We departed from our house at 6.40am. Took almost one hour to clear the jam at Singapore Tuas immigration counter.

Have to skip the Johor Jaya morning market because of the rain.

Went to our regular spot - Morning Congee in Skudai, and explored the shops in nearby area.

Drove up north to Kulai, and took dinner at Ming Xuan restaurant (recommended by CNA).

On return trip via Tuas link, had to queue for over 1 hour to clear the immigration counter at Johor side. Clearing custom at Tuas was a brisk. Finally reached home at 11pm+.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

“郊游” outing

2025年阳历正月一日, 公共假期。傍晚时分,带上家犬,往东海岸公园溜达!


First day of year 2025. Went out for a "family outing" with our pet dog Mantis.
He is such a laid back dog - prefers to stay at home most of the time.
Even when we bring him out in the morning and afternoon to do his business, he will automatically walk to the gate of our condominium once he is done with his business!
He walks for a long distance in unfamiliar place i.e. when he does not know the way home!

Saturday, 28 December 2024

“翻新" Touch up




Lunar New Year is approaching! It's the time of the year to discard old /spoilt items, "rejuvenate" unsightly items!

The wooden deck in our balcony was last given a new layer of paint over 4 years ago; the paint is slowly coming off with each passing year.

Time to do some "facelift"!

Tuesday, 24 December 2024

躲藏 The art of hiding




How to hide from others, or be inconspicuous to others - it is an art by itself.

Camouflaging needs to reach certain perfection, before one can merge into the surrounding effortlessly.